Hi everyone, I’m Niki, the wife of Mr. Zheng, and we own the ladder brand you see today. The story of ZHENG’S WAY is story of dedication, precision and most importantly, love. You may be thinking the love we share for each other but it really is the love my husband Mr. Zheng has
for ladders and more importantly his customers. If you call Mr. Zheng any day of the year at any time of the day you’ll probably find him in our factory hammering away at some new ladder contraption he is about to release. Sometimes I look at those ladders and feel jealous, but I have never met a man more dedicated to his craft more than Mr. Zheng.
This love for his craft, ladders shows. Our clients know that each and everyone of our ladders are built with precision and stamped with the Mr. Zheng stamp of approval. I just wish he would look at me like he
looks at our clients ladders.